Monday 23 January 2012

antare 5 laky yg t'ENSEM..


talk.. talk.. about the guy..
de owg wat carian the world's handsome guy.. hak3''
so'' kowg nk tau x sapew the top 5 kat analysis uwh;'?? huk''

1. imran abbas dr pakistan

imran abbas nie one of the best model in pakistan..

2. sheikh mohammeds son hamdan 

sweet an mate die;'))

nie pic die yg macho;')) suke3''
sheikh mohammeds son hamdan'' putera raja dubai'' t'knl dgn name fazza..

3.unknown.. kowg isi la sndri;'))

4. robert pattinson

myb handsome;'!! chumell la kowt''

the last 5. hrithik roshan.. miza minat die nie;')) heros ku''

gagah lagi perkasa;')) mate die lawa awk;'!! cair gler..

p/s ; tp die owg nie xleh la lawan my man.. hak3 ag argh handsome btl nie xtipu;'))
like the s0ng ooowhh my guy..

lololo'' sweet'' sweet nyer die kat bwah pkok uwh hehehe;')) love u boy..

lo0k great with malay shirts.. ngan mate sepet nyer.. <3<3

Sunday 22 January 2012

owh shoes..


hey guys this my first caption for this new year 2012..
lame bebeno x update blog nie;'!! hak3'' maaf an saye'' krne x b'kesempatan..

anyone want to gift me a pair of my dream shoes.. uwm,,

no money.. no talk la dear;'!!
xbole shopping skrg;'((
krisis ekonomi brlaku;'!! owh got la;'!! hak'' sooooo'' please buy for me.. 
....blup'' blupp'' mamy u ar soo cute'' prtty,, elegant.. bodek pn xdapet den nak memujok nyer;'!!
;'((  i'm sad
nk jgk;'!! kah3'' kah3''..

simple but nice an3;'!! hak'' 
sje nk letak pic nie b'saiz x large.. melambangkan keinginan yg b'gtu besa;'!!

p/s ; actually.. wrne apew yg cntk;'!! BLACK.. SILVER.. BRONZE.. RED PN NICE jgk''